Long war tech tree
Long war tech tree

In 1965, semiconductor pioneer Gordon Moore, who with colleagues had broken ranks with his boss William Shockley of Shockley Semiconductor to launch a new company, predicted that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double every year while costs would stay about the same. (Of course, there were also women playing key, though often unrecognized, roles.) Lanky engineers in white shirts and narrow ties turned giant machines into miniature electronic ones, sending Americans to the moon. The space race, especially after the Soviets beat the US into space with the launch of the Sputnik orbiter in late 1957, jump-started a silicon semiconductor industry in a sleepy agricultural region of Northern California, eventually shifting tech’s center of entrepreneurial gravity from East to West. Electronic data processing defined the American age of the Organization Man, a nation built and sorted on punch cards. Colleges and universities churned out engineers and scientists. In a grim race for nuclear supremacy amid an optimistic age of scientific aspiration, government became computing’s biggest research sponsor and largest single customer. “The Glasgow Declaration provides a strong political signal, and the powerful collective force of business and finance which aligns considerable economic muscle with these efforts, can shift our food and land use system in a way that we desperately need – for farmers, for consumers, and for the planet.The strategic priorities of the Cold War drove rapid development of transistorized technologies on both sides of the Iron Curtain. If we fail to stop deforestation, we will fail to limit climate change,” said Justin Adams, Executive Director of Tropical Forest Alliance and Co-Director for the World Economic Forum’s Nature-Based Solutions Platform. “What we’re seeing at COP26 could finally be the start of something transformational when it comes to stopping deforestation.

long war tech tree

On those forests, we have the responsibility to be stewards of them.”

long war tech tree

We’ve seen the impact of global temperatures rising, they’re rising twice as fast in Canada as elsewhere in the world.

long war tech tree

Regarding this protection, at a COP26 press conference, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, “Canada is home to one of the largest continuous forests in the world and we have a responsibility to protect it.

Long war tech tree